Monday, April 19, 2010

On Being Pregnant

I still am not sure whether I am really pregnant. It came as a surprise, actually when I asked Steven to buy me the Chocolate Thunder Brownie Ice Cream by Umpqua. My husband said we should also buy a pregnancy test. I think he was observing me because I was so emotional and I haven't had my period. So after we got home, I immediately tested and it turned out at first negative. So I put it down and told him I'm not pregnant but then he waited more and it turned to positive. He told me it's positive so I left the bathroom and was pacing the living room. I could not believe because I was thinking late this year or next year to have a baby. He held me in his arms and I cried. Then he told me we should try the second tester and I said I have no more pee. I drank a lot of soda so a few minutes later, I peed. Still, the result was the same. We announced it immediately to families and friends.
I still can't believe that I am pregnant that's why I'm calling my doctor tomorrow for a blood test to see if I am. People are now careful even my patients care for me too. I really like it that they're concerned. So many have said the pregnancy test is really accurate. We'll see!


sustahl said...

Congratulations! There isn't any way for a false positive in a urine test for pregnancy, because if the pregnancy hormone is there, you are indeed pregnant.

I hope that your pregnancy continues without complications!

Aisha said...

Lol! Yes, Susan you are right! Thank you. :D